
How To Remove Rust Off A Bicycle

How to Remove Rust From a Bike

If you've always owned a bike earlier, you'll know how sad it tin can be to meet your one time-gorgeous looking bike turn into something rusty and old looking.  Even a picayune patch of rust tin can randomly show upwards, creating some crusade for concern.

Rust on bikes can be caused by many things, ranging from condensation during storage to your own sweat during rides!

Thankfully, most cycle rust is simply superficial surface rust, and getting rid of rust from a bike isn't as tricky as some might think.  There is lots of bike maintenance you could practise, and keeping the frame and components gratis of rust should be a regular, quick task on your checklist.  It is possible to invest a lot of money into your bike, especially today'due south road bikes, and so you want it to await practiced and go on its value in case you e'er decide to resell it. So, how should you get about removing rust from your bike?

In that location are actually many things yous tin find and use in a mutual household that will assist you lot remove the rust. Let's go into them.orca m30

Above All Else: Don't Hurt the Bike!

It should get without proverb, but take groovy care not to harm the frame or components of your bike.  Removing a little surface rust is non worth scratching or compromising the wheel's cease.  Be gentle, use whatsoever products only every bit directed, and think twice around trying to scrape or sand any rust off with a hard metallic border, unless you are prepared to do bear on-upwards paint as well.

On Chains, Just Use Cycle Concatenation Oil

If the rust you are concerned about is just on your chain, first try giving it a expert oiling with a bike chain lube.  (We give yous several good options here).  The combination of chain oil, a little wiping with a rag, and and then some riding can off be plenty to wear off the outset of some surface rust.

The trick to oiling your chain is to be patient and put a drop on each link, followed by a wiping motion with a cloth.  Do that on the entire concatenation, it will have some time.  Many people recall that the way to oil a chain is to but eject oil all over it and and then ride.  The trick is to keep the chain lubed just not soaked, so you demand to be a bit detailed.

In that location are besides some chain lube options that are not as oily, but more than of a paste or wax.  These are good options for when you need to work indoors because you won't have oily drips to debate with.  Nosotros summarize wheel chain pastes and wax in the aforementioned lube article.

Try this kickoff if you have chain rust, and in that location is a good risk it will take care of the trouble.

WD-twoscore for Bike Chains

WD-40 is truly a multi-purpose chemical, and we find information technology does well on bikes that have accumulated some rust. We always have information technology ready equally an option, especially if working on a concatenation that needs some existent TLC.

There are a couple schools of thought on WD-40 for bike bondage, though.  Some swear by it, others don't like it.

The thing to proceed in mind well-nigh WD-40 is that it is more than of a cleaner, and not so much of a lubricant.  So, it works great if you need to get some rust off of metallic parts, especially if you are dealing mainly with surface rust.  Just know that if you lot use it, perhaps on a chain, you lot will yet desire to lube the chain afterward with more than of a classic chain lube or oil.

It's not gonna hurt your bike chain.  It just might not lubricate it for very many miles.

Blistering Soda

The home-based method to remove rust from your bike is by using baking soda. Baking soda is peradventure the all-time fashion to remove rust from bikes because if done right, it is a balmy cleaner and won't impairment anything. Baking soda works effectively on rust past forcing it to fade away rapidly. Over time, your cycle should render to its original condition if you utilize this method periodically. Here'due south how y'all should use baking soda for minor and severe rust on your bike:

  • Mixing Baking Soda and H2o
    • Grab and mix an equal amount of both baking soda and h2o in a bowl. There is no set corporeality you should employ, eyeballing it should exist fine. If your bike is heavily covered in rust, add a little more baking soda than water.
    • Proceed on mixing the ii components together until it becomes a thick paste.
    • Keep additional baking soda and water nearby in case you need more paste than yous thought. Y'all can also add a minor amount of lemon juice to the baking soda paste to increase the strength of the mixture (for very bad rusting).
  • Apply the Paste

Accept the blistering soda paste and apply information technology on the rusted areas of your cycle. Utilise the paste using a spatula or a like tool such as a brush or sponge and printing down directly on the affected areas. Leave the paste on for 15 minutes for maximum effectiveness. Information technology's important to proceed the paste on for x-15 minutes because it needs time to set in social club to remove the rust.

  • Remove the Blistering Soda

Retrieve, the baking soda must exist thick enough to cover the entire rusted areas. Y'all'll need to glaze it properly without having information technology drip all over your bike or floor – if this happens, you know that the mixture wasn't thick enough – mix some more!

Scrub or remove the baking soda from the bike using a sponge or scrub pads. Yous tin can too use a plastic scrubber or a toothbrush. As you start scrubbing, you will notice that the rust will start coming off, revealing what in one case was your beautiful wheel. If you don't run into a alter, you'll need to redo the process with more baking soda or lemon juice.

In one case you're done with all of that, dry the bike completely to help forestall anymore rusting from happening. You should so store your bike in a dry out place to also help forbid rusting.

Vinegar or Coca Cola

remove rust bike

Vinegar does wonders on metal. This shot shows the dissimilarity between the rusted surface, left, and the surface with a vinegar cleaning, correct.

The second method to remove rust from your bike is by using vinegar or coca cola. Vinegar and coca cola work effectively on rust because they have a strong enough acetic holding that'll breakup the rust. Hither are some ways y'all can use vinegar or coca cola to remove rust from your bike:

  • Spraying Your Bike

Wear some plastic gloves and grab a spray bottle and add together some vinegar/coca cola into it. There is no exact amount to utilize, use your ain judgement based on how big your bike is and how much rust there is. Now, simply spray the vinegar/coca cola over the rusty areas and employ a toothbrush (or similar tool) covered in tinfoil to scrub the rust off. Using a spray bottle is great because it lets you apace add more solution whenever y'all need it. If yous see that the rust isn't coming off, spray more than solution and scrub harder!

  • Adding Baking Soda

If you discover that the rust isn't coming off subsequently putting in some scrubbing muscle, add a small amount of baking soda to your spray bottle. This is going to assistance react with your vinegar/coca cola to get a stronger solution that'll help remove the rust from your bike. It'south of import not to add too much blistering soda every bit the solution may become too strong and damage your bike. Spray the solution on the rusty areas again and scrub abroad.

  • Soak Bike Parts

A lazier fashion to go rid of the rust is by soaking all the rusty wheel parts in your vinegar/coca cola solution. This method is going to require a lot more production than simply spraying and scrubbing. After soaking your parts for 10 minutes, rinse your wheel off thoroughly with water. If the solution stays on your wheel for too long, it will consume or corrode the metal, completely ruining your bike. So remember, wash thoroughly!

Chemical Rust Remover

The third method to getting rid of rust from your wheel is past using a powerful chemical rust remover. The other home-based methods mentioned above will suffice for many people. However, if you want to have a well-stocked wheel garage with built-for-purpose supplies, or are having existent troubles removing the rust, so y'all should consider this method. Remember that if you lot decide to use this method, do not mix it with other solutions. Here'southward how y'all should use a chemical rust remover that y'all can purchase at nearly department or hardware stores for your bike:

  • Safety First

Whenever yous piece of work with chemicals, call back that they can be very dangerous. Ever clothing gloves and glasses earlier handling commercial chemic rust remover solutions. Read all the instructions carefully before treatment information technology and if it is exposed to the skin or eye, launder it off immediately and seek medical attention. Apply the remover in an open area and have a lot of airflow throughout the expanse.

  • Application

Grab a brush and apply the remover on the rusted areas of your bike. Depending on the remover, yous may need to leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour. Some removers may even require you to exit the solution on overnight! That's why it's of import to read the instructions carefully and so that you don't damage your bike. If y'all're looking for stronger and faster results, look for a remover that is highly potent.

  • Removal and Aftercare

Later the recommended time has passed, wipe the chemical rust remover off your bike using a cloth (you should still take gloves on) and and so dispose of it to prevent information technology from contaminating anything else. Now, wash your bike thoroughly with warm water and then dry it completely. As e'er, store your bike abroad in a dry out area.

Preventing Rust on Bikes

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  If y'all have rust developing on your wheel, try to take steps to prevent it if at all possible.  When information technology comes to surface rust developing on bikes, there are usually a few usual suspects. Combatting each tin keep your bike more rust-free.

Shop Your Bicycle Indoors

It's smashing if you can store your bike in a climate-controlled area like the entry of your home or a HVAC-enabled garage.  At a minimum, continue it in a shed or storage area that is out of the elements.  All it takes is a chip of precip, and the bike volition begin to develop surface rust on worn areas surprisingly fast!

Ever Wipe Your Bike Down Afterwards Rain

If you had to ride your bike in the rain, or if you rode the morning time after a rainstorm and the roads were still slick, become an quondam rag and give your bike a adept, full wipe-downwards.  But make sure it is generally dry.  Focus specially on any shiny parts — the chain, brake components, or other moveable pieces.  Wiping a cycle tin can be challenging when aptitude over, sucking wind afterward a long ride.  Get a good bike stand, and do the work at counter-height.  It makes a world of difference!

Go along Your Wheel Oiled

Every bike possessor should have bike oil within attain, and giving our bike a good lube should exist something that you lot do routinely.  Oil your chain, oil bike rustand any other components that move and are exposed to the elements.  I even similar to oil that spot where my pedal meets the crank. You desire to oil the component so wipe it down with a rag.  Trust me, at that place will withal be enough oil on it afterward wiping down to proceed the rust away.  A specific, congenital-for-cycling lube like tri-flow cycling oil tin can exist all yous need.

Beware of your ain Sweat

Sometimes, it is the water dripping off of your torso that tin cause the rust, specially around the caput, stem, and handlebar expanse where sweat from your face up tends to drip.  If you are using an indoor cycle trainer, this tin exist a particular problem because you are non actually in motion.  Lay a towel over the cycle'southward stem area, it will do wonders to keep your salty sweat off the bicycle.

Clean your Bike Later Hauling It

Highways are nasty, and the amount of salt, gravel, and crud that kicks upwardly from your vehicle and other cars is considerable.  If y'all take a long trip with your bike on a car bike rack, be certain to clean it off later on, only and so you don't accept any corrosive elements on your bike.  This is even more of import if you lot are using a trunk-based carrier like the Saris Basic, which tends to really leave your bike exposed to the elements.


These were some of the easiest ways to get rid of rust from your bike. Afterwards using these methods, we hope that your bike can return dorsum to its original shiny course and so that yous can enjoy a smooth ride. We hope to encounter your bike is shining like a gem on the road!


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