How To Repair A Torch Lamp Base
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My 1st thoughts - mix up some more than plaster and just replace. Or add some kind of heavy metal "weights" (cruise the hardware store for ideas) - it all depends on what the base looks similar and how it is made.
I agree with Neva. Home Depot sells plaster in the paint section near the drywall chemical compound and spackle, just mix it upward, pour information technology in and permit it dry. Exist aware information technology gets very hot while drying. After it is dry out, sand it shine and glue a piece of felt on it from the fabric store and so it won't scratch the floor.
What I would practice is to make a lesser of forest similar cearter it will lat and get some good glue to glue information technology in identify.
think we will be trying the plaster and some fishing weights embedded in the plaster to requite it more weight ... thanks everybody !
I fixed mine past attaching a 5 lb barbell weight to the lesser in place of the original base
I got a table lamp kind thing, but this is close to 7 anxiety and same as you I bankrupt the lesser plaster likewise . I am thinking of getting a round plate (do weights) fifteen or 20 pounder that whose circumference is not bigger than the lamp base and gear up information technology with not and bolt same every bit how the plaster was.. if the pigsty in the middle of the plate is big and so put a big washer and set the nut.. hope it helps you lot
So is consensus, plaster will not be heavy plenty on its own? I am going to put 4" PVC over inner opening, in underside of metal base. To make room for working the nut back on to the lap pole rod. Then fill it up with plaster or whatever. The metallic base is v " deep. Withal thinking through, what to use to brand it heavier. On a continued note-the concrete inner base of operations covered in hard plastic coating, just disintegrated, plastic likewise. Can break with your hands. Must exist the lye in physical. Also need to make sure metallic base strong plenty to hold weight of lamp straight. The original plastic covered concrete had a plastic bracket to bolt the rod to.
I used a bar bong weight with plastic anxiety bolted in, I drilled 4 holes from the summit downwardly and used big washers to bolt information technology in with nylock nuts then repainted the base of operations flat black, the bolts are non really noticeable